Air filter panel is circled in red color...... available next to your Dusters Battery..
1. Press the knobs, pointed by red arrow.
2. Pull the front panel
3. Air filter will be available to you along with the front panel cover
4. Remove the air filter separately
5. Blow it with a high pressure air or with your vacuum cleaner so that dust is removed from the filter
6. After blowing the duster, replace the filter back in the panel cover.
7. Replace it back the as removed from the vehicle
8. Ensure the locks are clicked on both sides
9. congrats you have cleaned your air filter.... Happy miles munching with your DUSTER
1. Press the knobs, pointed by red arrow.
2. Pull the front panel
3. Air filter will be available to you along with the front panel cover
4. Remove the air filter separately
5. Blow it with a high pressure air or with your vacuum cleaner so that dust is removed from the filter
6. After blowing the duster, replace the filter back in the panel cover.
7. Replace it back the as removed from the vehicle
8. Ensure the locks are clicked on both sides
9. congrats you have cleaned your air filter.... Happy miles munching with your DUSTER